Kally's Thoughts

Author Kally Jo Surbeck's thoughts on various given subjects, perhaps a word or two about her schedule...

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Yes, I am going to bag on them. I have a compliant/question. Why set a particular time? IE I will call at XXX or I will see you at XXX if you have no intention - hell even if you do have the intention of following through. If you set a specific time guys or gals then stand by your word and come through. How long does it take to call and say, hey, busy right now, but I'll call you later. Or better yet do that in the first place. Just say later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I should have called! I knew you were irritated. Sorry :(

7:40 PM  
Blogger ksurbeck said...

Not sure who you are, but thanks for taking the fall for every guy or girl out there who has not called on time :-)

Lil FYI it's more frustration than anger. If a time is set then person X ends up waiting when they could be doing other things. A call is respectful.

10:52 PM  

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